I had the oportunity to buy 2 Atlas 350XL with Power supply and several cards…

Thanks F6AIC !

Atlas was one of my dreams… After some hours the RX part is OK and i very like the signal. Clean and clean…

I just give one unit to my brother as a gift…









Inside some troubles….

Bad solders, not all the screews, bad audio, low signal, some miscelaneous and a  Tantale burned near the PA.

>>>>> Atlas350XL

>>>>> Atlas_350XL_Chas




Problems with Tantalum capacitors.

In the transceiver we can found several tantalum capacitors. Some of them are burned and this is normal with the time. We have to change them.

The list:

And some good artices about Tantalum capacitors.

>>> C – Tantalum – DC leakage failure mode

>>> C – Tantalum Failures – Elektor 12 2014

ATLAS 350XL on Everest in 1978…

“In 1978, the Atlas went up to Everest base camp, we participated in the equipment and training of the technicians, here are photos and an article from the local newspaper.
My father’s area code was F6BHS,
The Atlas had been given by the Americans and we were responsible for handing them over to France inter sound engineer Philippe Leduc,
Part of the expedition’s equipment was subsequently recovered by the ORTF radio club, it seems to me, only the 350.
F6AIC, Daniel. »